jservice.xyz: the world's funnest trivia API

6919 games | 45374 categories | 402824 clues

jservice.xyz is
a trivia API for people learning APIs
  • Learn how to use a Web API using one of a variety of different interactions
    • RESTful API
    • JSON:API (coming soon)
    • GraphQL API (coming soon)
  • Learn how to write APIs that use relational data in one of the languages and frameworks that J!XYZ is written in:
    • Node.js / Express.js
    • F# / ASP.NET Core (coming soon)
    • Elixir / Phoenix (coming soon)
jservice.xyz costs about 1000 USD per year

The following people and orgranizations help sponsor the upkeep and continued development of jservice.xyz for 2024. They have our continued thanks.


FDD-crafted software, ADDIE-created curricula

If you'd like to sponsor jservice.xyz, please email sponsors@jservice.xyz.

Create an implementation with your favorite stack

Head over to the repository and open up an issue that proposes the stack that you want to use to build J!XYZ. After discussion and approval, the maintainers will create a repository in the jservice.xyz group for you to create your implementation in. Once it's ready and reviewed, we'll deploy it for you!

Version 2 is coming in July 2024!

Try it out!

Let's get a random question and answer from the service!


Daily data purges

Any information that you create on any of the services hosted on the jservice.xyz domain through PUT, POST, PATCH, or DELETE HTTP interactions will be purged within 24 hours of the data's creation.

Is it up?

Mayyyyybe? Here's the thing. Sometimes we take the service down on weekends and nights (US time). Because of that, you may start getting 503 errors when calling the endpoints.